~A Veteran~

A veteran - whether active duty, retired, national guard or reserve - is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to The United States of America, for an amount of "Up to and including my life". That is honor, and there are far too many people in this country who no longer understand it. - Author Unknown

Monday, October 20, 2008



Diane wrote: When is this country going to wake up and do whats good for this country and stop this politically correct junk. Why does this nation keep voting in the far left, who want to do whats on this viedo to our country? Why don't we round up all these Isalm radicals and send them home? I wrote: Yeah back home to allah which comes from the Babylonian word BA AL LAH ZE BUB which means SATAN...check it out in Strongs Concordance!
PC IS A COMMIE TACTIC: Fifty eight years ago there was a war that began in America. Two Jewish communists helped to complete the plans and passed to our enemies how to make and manufacture Nuclear Weapons:

Some how the Left in the USA thought this would be a great idea.
Give the ENEMY our most SECRET WEAPON and tell them to go ahead Kill me and my children. You don't need Carlos Mencia to tell you that such a plan is DDD!!!

So along came a man named Joe.
No not Biden or the plumber, Joe MaCarthy.
He was a Senator who formed the "UnAmerican Activities" investigations in Washington DC which lead to the Imprisonment of the Hollywood Ten, liberal producers and writers who unduely influenced Films with Communist Ideals:

So the question here is Was Joe Right? What is Socialism and Communism and what is our responsibility concerning our way of life:

But today we have a GODLESS society of Liberals who worship Communist ideals and want to redistribute wealth, without God
from the 1950's when Joe MaCarthy was stopped until now. What has changed? Was Joe Right? Does a Leftist Media unduely influence society? Make us weak? Risk our Freedom?

So you can see JOE WAS RIGHT 58 years ago, and he is still right today! Someone dropped the ball when they took the Bible out of schools in 1963.
Then they let the media drift left and lose its perspective allowing it to aid and provide comfort to our enemy.
Then the dumbed down American people got lazy and allowed our Senators and Congressmen to attack the soldiers who defend our rights.
Finally, a Commie is running for President.

Soon besides the unborn, you and I will be next on the list of those who it becomes legal to execute.... Think I am to alarmist, People thought Joe was too. Just look at NBC ABC CBS and the late night so called talk shows. Then take a look back at what Communists said they would do to destroy America from within. Then look at what the Obama team has teamed up with China to do to poor old Bob!

ACORN has already announced their recruitment of MICKEY MOUSE!
Think what that would do to our system, COMRADE MICKEY!?
Even our board games are going to change under an Obama dictatorship:

Finally, we will all be hearded into re-education camps and brainwashed. So learn how to identify a communists:

If he's a democRAT, you can tell he's a communist if his lips move,and everything he says is redifined in unrealistic terms meant to confuse you into thinking a lie is the truth.In the end, the Dictator gets all your money in his pocket and you get to stand in line for one egg, a loaf of bread mixed with sawdust, and a hand full or rice and roaches. See what the KGB says about our universities and how this has been going on for a long time:

So go ahead America, Vote for Obama, You'll get what you deserve! This Message brought to you by the resistance! Patriot Capitalists with chicken eggs, NAH NA I got a 100 and I am not sharing!

The only thing wrong with this film is that democrats taxed the malt shop out of exsistance, filled main street with empty shops, and past CRA (Community Reinvestment Act) which instituted the communist road we are on now. So buy some ISM on Nov.4th 2008 or join Patriot Capitalists and vote for McCain


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