~A Veteran~

A veteran - whether active duty, retired, national guard or reserve - is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to The United States of America, for an amount of "Up to and including my life". That is honor, and there are far too many people in this country who no longer understand it. - Author Unknown

Monday, December 8, 2008

To the Officers of the United States Military Forces-Letter of Your Oath

An Open Letter To The Officers Of The United States Military Forces

In the course of recent history there have occurred numerous events which give
rise to our urgent concern as to where your immediate loyalty lies. Is it with the
People of the several united States of America, or is it to the would-be Commander
in Chief, the president elect and to the Supreme Court of the United States?

Because of numerous apparently erroneous decisions made by the Supreme Court
in the near past, decisions that were more political than constitutional, there is a
well-seated concern regarding their decision on a very serious allegation before
them today. The concern is that the president-elect in the person of Barrak Hussein

Obama is not qualified to fill the office of President of the United States and that
of Commander-In-Chief of the military forces of this great nation because of
constitutional restrictions for the candidate to that high office.
It is a question of his status as a natural born citizen of these United States.

If the Supreme Court makes the correct decision according to the Constitution of
the United States and finds that Mr. Obama is not qualified to that office there
will have to be another selection to fill the office and give to you and your
fellow officers a proper, constitutional Commander-in-Chief.

If, however, as anticipated, the Supreme Court errs to political pressure and allows
the faulted election of Barak Hussein Obama to stand, then you will have to make the
personal, serious decision to act under your oath-of-office as a commissioned officer
of the United States of America. You cannot lawfully serve under an unconstitutional
president. Any orders issued as Commander-in-Chief will be unlawful orders.

History is replete with examples of the people's worst enemy being their own
government taken over by power hungry despots. I have no reason to believe
that human nature has changed - that given the opportunity, evil men will impose
their will upon the populace.

The form of government established by this Nation's founders is one of Law
based upon absolute Principles, not upon the whims of individuals nor even of the
majority of the people. They wrote a Constitution expressly limiting the authority
of the federal government and denying to elected leadership unilateral and
unquestioned authority.

You are reminded that your oath upon commissioning as an officer of this nation
is to the support and defense of that Constitution against all enemies, foreign or
domestic and through it, the people of these several States. It is not to obey a
Commander in Chief, whether qualified or not. Even less is it to obey the faulted
decision of a faulted court.

You are further reminded that it is well established in international law that
following the orders of a superior authority is no defense in your personal
responsibility for unlawful acts by you as commissioned military leaders.

It is with these points in mind that I demand that you make a personal decision
and public commitment that, if and when you are ordered to accept a blatantly
unconstitutional decision that grossly damages our constitutional underpinnings,
action against the people of these several States or the Constitution established
by them, you stand with the people and their Constitution to protect them from
intrusion upon the rights, their persons and their property and to defend them
against all actions, either violent or non-violent, perpetrated by those enemies,
domestic or foreign, whose object is the destruction of the Constitution.

I call upon you to renounce any action in violation of the people or their
Constitution, and to bring to bear all the forces under your command to the
protection and defense of these high purposes.

In the Name of the Almighty God, I fully expect you to fulfill to the maximum
your obligations set forth in your oath of office - I will accept nothing less.

Bob Worn, Major - USAF (Retired)

1811 Shamburger Road

Gilmer , Texas 75645-2810


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