~A Veteran~

A veteran - whether active duty, retired, national guard or reserve - is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to The United States of America, for an amount of "Up to and including my life". That is honor, and there are far too many people in this country who no longer understand it. - Author Unknown

Monday, July 27, 2009

Dr. Emanuel aka Dr Death appointed Health Care Czar

Obama has appointed Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel to a top-level position as one of his top-level advisors on health care reform.

Yes, he is the brother of White House Chief-Of-Staff Rahm Emanuel.
What’s that you say?
How dare you!
Obama promised us the “most ethical administration in history.”

Regardless, Dr. Emanuel seems to be a graduate of the Jack Kevorkian Medical School.

You may remember Kervorkian as the doctor who gained notoriety for assisting terminally ill individuals commit suicide, as well as being an advocate for legalizing euthanasia.

Dr. Emanuel would make Dr. Kervorkian proud.

He has made the claim that “Medical care should not be given to those who are irreversibly prevented from being or becoming participating citizens. An obvious example is not guaranteeing health services to patients with dementia.”

So if you have an elderly family member suffering from Alzheimer’s or a child diagnosed with Downs Syndrome, the hell with both of you according to Dr. Emanuel’s position.

By all appearances, as far as he is concerned you can push them off into a corner of the room, because the government won’t be wasting any resources on them.

He also discriminates against older patients.

He believes that “Unlike (health care) allocation by sex or race, allocation by age is not discrimination...”

So if you are young and healthy, under Obamacare you’re in good shape.
However, if you are a bit older and require a bit more care, well, it sucks to be you.

“Doctors take the Hippocratic Oath too seriously as an imperative to do everyting for the patient regardless of the cost or the effects on others.”

This may become a commonly heard doctor-patient conversation:

“Sorry Mrs. Smith, we probably could have gotten your husband back on his feet and he could have lived another dozen happy and productive years, but you folks have reached the limit on your Obamacare debit card.
And after all, let’s face it, he was what, sixty?
And now I will have to ask you to excuse me, I have a 25 year old waiting to be treated for a sunburn.”

Something in the back of my mind was nagging at me that somewhere I had read of another so-called “medical man” like Emanuel and Kervorkian who thought that the critically ill and the mentally disabled were beneath contempt.

Then I recalled the name of a “doctor” who “practiced” at a place called Auschwitz.

His name was Josef Mengele.


St. Louis Tea Party said...

He is describing what is wrong with the system. He has written 5 books AGAINST euthanasia.

I hope the the money the health insurance industry paid you for this was worth your soul.

BFree said...

Funny how your affiliated with a Tea Party, which by and large is representative of the GOP movement. And you somehow think the health insurance industry paid me?? For what exactly? My opinion? My time doing research into Dr. Death's medical thesis and his position at the NIH? HA HA HA! No, I recognize Dr Death for what he is. Someone who feel SMALL CHILDREN and ELDERLY are not "worth" anything. Not deserving of health care.

Anonymous said...

I would love to pass this blog and information along but would you please reference some of these quotes for me? I know that people will respond with questions as to the validity of the quotes. So, before I stick my neck out there, I'd like to have them ready.